Late one night when my friends and I were camping in Liwa, we all of a sudden saw bright lights appear over our campsite; it disappeared over a sand dune. We were baffled and were quite shaken up, and when we regained our composure we decided to investigate the area. At first, we hesitated because we were scared of the unknown but eventually we started to scout the area. We walked up the dune where lights were last seen, and when we reached the top there was no sign of the intruder. We continued straight down the dune and across the plain, where there were some bushes. Suddenly I spotted some black substance behind the bush. This black substance which we later realized was petrol trailed up the next dune.
Then, we investigated over the dune but we were uneasy since we were unsure of what to expect. Finally we faced our fears and charged over the hill. We discovered some thick black smoke and as we approached we discovered it was a miniature remote controlled helicopter which must have crash landed. It was evident that the black stuff leaking was petrol from it's tank and the lights must have been the headlights of the helicopter.
While it worried us at first we later laughed at the situation, and we haven't forgotten the funny occurrence till this day.
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