Thursday, December 24, 2009

Extracting oil

     The entire world runs on oil production. Petrol is made from crude oil, which is found in specific locations. The process to change the crude oil to the end result, petrol, is as follows.
     first, the oil is located, this is the job of geophysicists. Second, the oil is pumped through pipelines, these usually run for great distances. Next, oil is stored in storage tanks that are usually well protected. After that, oil is refined to be turned into different products, including petrol, diesel and gas. next, petrol is stored in tanks which is also very protected to prevent harm to people. After that, petrol is transported to petrol stations in large trucks. Next, petrol is stored in underground tanks ready to be used. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks to get people from A to B.

     Crude oil is processed into petrol by following the steps above. Petrol is a very important commodity so try not to waste it.

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