Thursday, December 24, 2009

How i would use these style of writing in the future

One of the main methods of communication is writing, after talking. There are different styles of writing for different purposes. Examples for the following writing styles will be discussed, procedure, narrative, process and comparison.

First, the procedure style is used when something has to to be done in a certain order. For example, in the future I would probably use this style to make instructions for a trouble-shooting manual i make. Second, the narrative style is used when a story is being told. For example, I might want to tell a story of my accomplishments to my children to inspire them to study hard. Next, the process style is used when giving instructions to do something in a particular order. I would use this style in the future when I make the guidelines to help someone with a process they don't know. Finally, the comparison style of writing is used when comparing and contrasting two different things. I most probably would use this style of writing in marketing, to help my product compete with others.

Different styles of writing are used for different uses. Which ever of the mentioned styles I need to produce I know the formalities and procedure thanks to the report from the desert ;)

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