The pie graph shows seven Emirates of the UAE by square kilometers. Collectively, the total are is 77,700 square kilometers with Abu Dhabi making up the majority, Ajman the minority.
First, Abu Dhabi is the largest of the Emirates and covers around 67,340 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 86.7% of the total land area. Second in size is Dubai with an area of 5.0%. The other five Emirate's area decrease respectively from 3.3% to 0.3%. Together they make up only 13.3% of the Emirate's land area.
In summary, Abu Dhabi is the largest region in the Emirates with an area greater than three quarters of the entire Emirates. The other 6 Emirates are significantly smaller than Abu dhabi.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
My Holiday disaster
Almost every summer I travel to the UK with my family. We enjoy going out together to eat and enjoy the nice summer weather. Then by august we would travel back to the Emirates together. But on the last occasion my family decided to go back to the Emirates earlier than me and I decided to stay with my cousins for a couple of weeks. When the summer holiday was over it was time to catch the plane home. But that transit flight didn’t go as planned.
I had travelled overseas alone many times so it was not new to me at all. But it was the first time I had flown transit in Zurich. The flight from London to Zurich was quick and relatively comfortable. I landed in Zurich and had an hour to wait till my connecting flight to Abu Dhabi departed. As the plane was boarding a man told me to wait aside till he calls me apparently he wanted to check my ticket. I didn’t understand everything he said in his Swiss accent so I waited patiently. I was watching my plane through the window then suddenly it started to move. I ran back over to the desk and asked what had happened. The guy panicked more than I did he had obviously forgotten about me and as a result I had missed my flight. The flight left with my bags and electronically I was apparently on the flight.
I stood waiting as the gentlemen at the desk discussed the issue with his colleague and made a couple of calls. I was very nervous at this point since I had never missed a flight and didn’t know what to do. Eventually after about a half hour wait the gentlemen from the boarding gate told me that I was to go on the next flight to Abu Dhabi on the airlines expense. He gave me my new boarding pass and some documentation. I proceeded to the next gate finding the situation humorous since it had been resolved.
In brief, when a disaster like mine happens do not panic things usually have a way of sorting itself out. Especially when you’re in a foreign country and you don’t speak the local language. But I surely will be careful next time I travel, while it was quite an adventure I don’t think I would like to do it again.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
How i would use these style of writing in the future
One of the main methods of communication is writing, after talking. There are different styles of writing for different purposes. Examples for the following writing styles will be discussed, procedure, narrative, process and comparison.
First, the procedure style is used when something has to to be done in a certain order. For example, in the future I would probably use this style to make instructions for a trouble-shooting manual i make. Second, the narrative style is used when a story is being told. For example, I might want to tell a story of my accomplishments to my children to inspire them to study hard. Next, the process style is used when giving instructions to do something in a particular order. I would use this style in the future when I make the guidelines to help someone with a process they don't know. Finally, the comparison style of writing is used when comparing and contrasting two different things. I most probably would use this style of writing in marketing, to help my product compete with others.
Different styles of writing are used for different uses. Which ever of the mentioned styles I need to produce I know the formalities and procedure thanks to the report from the desert ;)
First, the procedure style is used when something has to to be done in a certain order. For example, in the future I would probably use this style to make instructions for a trouble-shooting manual i make. Second, the narrative style is used when a story is being told. For example, I might want to tell a story of my accomplishments to my children to inspire them to study hard. Next, the process style is used when giving instructions to do something in a particular order. I would use this style in the future when I make the guidelines to help someone with a process they don't know. Finally, the comparison style of writing is used when comparing and contrasting two different things. I most probably would use this style of writing in marketing, to help my product compete with others.
Different styles of writing are used for different uses. Which ever of the mentioned styles I need to produce I know the formalities and procedure thanks to the report from the desert ;)
A comparison between the Brazil FC and Al-Ain FC
Football is the most watched sport in the world. Different teams have different styles of play. There are many similarities and differences between different teams, Brazil FC and Al-Ain FC are good examples to analyze.

In conclusion, both teams are loved for what they do and fans strongly support them. But I much prefer to watch a Brazilian match because they are much more talented and put on a real show.
Extracting oil
first, the oil is located, this is the job of geophysicists. Second, the oil is pumped through pipelines, these usually run for great distances. Next, oil is stored in storage tanks that are usually well protected. After that, oil is refined to be turned into different products, including petrol, diesel and gas. next, petrol is stored in tanks which is also very protected to prevent harm to people. After that, petrol is transported to petrol stations in large trucks. Next, petrol is stored in underground tanks ready to be used. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks to get people from A to B.
Crude oil is processed into petrol by following the steps above. Petrol is a very important commodity so try not to waste it.
Blood donation
Donating blood is a very important process that doesn't happen enough. The red crescent is one of the organisations that is responsible for taking blood donations. Many people benefit from blood donations, the steps for this are as follows.
First, the details are taken for the donor. Second, the cuff is put on the donors arm. Then, the blood pressure is taken to check if it's at a normal level. Next, the needle is inserted into the donors arm, but this should be done very carefully. After that, when enough blood is taken the needle is taken out gently. Next, the donor is given a roll of cotton to stop the blood from leaking out. After that, it is recommended the donor rests. Next, the donor will probably be given orange juice and cookie to stablise their blood sugar level. after that, the blood is taken and tested to make sure the blood is safe for use. Finally, the blood is refrigerated to keep it preserved.
If you go for a donation you will experience the points above, but don't be worried if it's slightly different since the doctors are experienced.
First, the details are taken for the donor. Second, the cuff is put on the donors arm. Then, the blood pressure is taken to check if it's at a normal level. Next, the needle is inserted into the donors arm, but this should be done very carefully. After that, when enough blood is taken the needle is taken out gently. Next, the donor is given a roll of cotton to stop the blood from leaking out. After that, it is recommended the donor rests. Next, the donor will probably be given orange juice and cookie to stablise their blood sugar level. after that, the blood is taken and tested to make sure the blood is safe for use. Finally, the blood is refrigerated to keep it preserved.
If you go for a donation you will experience the points above, but don't be worried if it's slightly different since the doctors are experienced.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mystery in the desert
Late one night when my friends and I were camping in Liwa, we all of a sudden saw bright lights appear over our campsite; it disappeared over a sand dune. We were baffled and were quite shaken up, and when we regained our composure we decided to investigate the area.
At first, we hesitated because we were scared of the unknown but eventually we started to scout the area. We walked up the dune where lights were last seen, and when we reached the top there was no sign of the intruder. We continued straight down the dune and across the plain, where there were some bushes. Suddenly I spotted some black substance behind the bush. This black substance which we later realized was petrol trailed up the next dune.
Then, we investigated over the dune but we were uneasy since we were unsure of what to expect. Finally we faced our fears and charged over the hill. We discovered some thick black smoke and as we approached we discovered it was a miniature remote controlled helicopter which must have crash landed. It was evident that the black stuff leaking was petrol from it's tank and the lights must have been the headlights of the helicopter.
While it worried us at first we later laughed at the situation, and we haven't forgotten the funny occurrence till this day.

Then, we investigated over the dune but we were uneasy since we were unsure of what to expect. Finally we faced our fears and charged over the hill. We discovered some thick black smoke and as we approached we discovered it was a miniature remote controlled helicopter which must have crash landed. It was evident that the black stuff leaking was petrol from it's tank and the lights must have been the headlights of the helicopter.
While it worried us at first we later laughed at the situation, and we haven't forgotten the funny occurrence till this day.
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